Thursday, March 11, 2010

I got my bathing suit pulled off at the beach last summer in front of my guy friends!!!!!!!?

Ok so this happend last summer but its so embbarrssing i just cant get it off my mind since summer is starting again.Last summer i was at the beach with my friend Sam,Cody,Nathan(nate the great haha),kylie,and Alex (hate the betch),and these girls were there and they were trying to talk to our guys and it was getting really annoyying so we like took the guys away from them and they got pissed and they had there guy friends there and there guy friends came over to talk to us and sam said my name and i turned around and the other guy pulled the string to my bathing suit off and of course ALL of my guy friends could probley see everything.(and those annoying girls were laughing there butts off) but my hair was pretty long but idk if it covered anything it was so embarrsing.EVER SINCE THAT DAY I HAVE NEVER GONE SWIMMING OR TO THE BEACH WITH MY GUY FRIENDS HOW DO I GET OVER THE EMBARRESSMENT!!!???I got my bathing suit pulled off at the beach last summer in front of my guy friends!!!!!!!?
forget the past,

screw the guys,

live in the present,

and if someone brings it up again just say ';oh yeah'; and no moreI got my bathing suit pulled off at the beach last summer in front of my guy friends!!!!!!!?
It is not you who should be embarrassed, it should have been the guys who did something so lame and stupid. The girls should have come to your assistance and have given the guys a piece of their mind. Suspect you would have done that if the roles were reversed. Refuse to go anywhere with Sam or any of the guy who pulled the string to your bathing suit. I'd even tell them why you refuse to do anything with them anymore. Do not keep the stupid, juvenile antics of a few from keeping you from wearing a swim suit or going to the beach. You have no reason to be embarrassed. The guys should be embarrassed big time.
Damn i would have f****d those girls up!! Anyway unless ur guy friends keep annoying you about it, you shouldnt be embarrased the human body is a beautiful thing!! If your guyfriends dont trip over it than you shudnt either...[:

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